Posts from the ‘Tomatos’ Category

Peas and Fried Green Tomatoes!! (First Harvest May 19, 2011)

Picture May 19, 2011 TBerrys First Harvest of Peas and Green Tomatoes

Well here it goes.  You can guess what’s cooking for Dinner tonight.  I just picked my first harvest of peas and tomatoes.  Now my work is cut out for me.  Shelling them  is the job.  It’s all worth it .  I don’t mean to sound like I am complaining.  While shelling these peas.  I like to find me a Bible study lesson or a good old gospel preaching to listen at while I am shelling away at these peas my ears are open.

I have a favorite website for when I am not able to read the word.  Shelling peas is a good time for it.  I hope many will agree there is no excuse these days for not learning the Truth(Gods Word).  When I am not able to read I can just key in the KJV on my favorite website at Sermon Audio and it will read any Chapter and verse  for me.  This website has it all  click here Gospel preaching and Bible Study.  God has been good to me, so yes I do get excited.  No way can I ever take a stroll through TBerrys Garden and not say “Thank Ya Jesus!”  Right now it’s Beautiful and lot’s of work to be done.  Will you join me Sermon Audio.   To all my Gardening friends I am sure you’ve heard, my ears are open to the word.  Fingers dare not on the keys but shelling peas, Amen!!

Tomatoes May 17, 2011

TBerrys Tomatoes are growing well.  This morning I saw at least 6 tomatoes hanging on one bush.  I am getting ready to go ahead a pick some of the biggest ones shown here tomorrow.  For Fried Green tomatoes.  I just last week fertilized them with Lime, 10-10-10, and Magnesium Sulphate.  Last week we also had a good rain shower to water it all in well.  Today all the vegetables are looking great.  I can’t wait to taste this big tomato tomorrow.

Picture May 17, 2011 First picking yes!!

Picture May 17, 2011 pictured here are 4 tomatoes hanging together making it at least 6 or more tomatoes on the bush.

Tomatoes Full Bloom 4/27/2011

Celebrity Tomatoes:  This variety is my favorite again this year. And now in full bloom.  Starting out so far so good. This is the first blooms and tomatoes.  My mouth is watering with just the smell at each touch of the leaves.  Such a wonderful fragrance.  These are the first of my pictures this year.  At this time the weather is great except for it being very dry at the moment.  No rain have we had in over 3 weeks.  Looks to be a dry year again. 

Celebrity Tomatoes Picture here is first of blooms 4/28/2011

Planting:  This year I planted each plant by digging deep whole and placing each tomatoe plant into hole with at least half of the plant covered with soil.  I first removed bottom leaves of each plant only leaving 2 branches of leaves sticking up from the ground.  I was told by a friend that this encourages more strength to the bush and root system. 


Fertilize:  I fertilized with 10-10- 10 very little after a week of being planted.  Lime: Tomatoes are lime lovers, and greener upper they absorb quickly so I only put aproxmately 2 tablespoons of lime around each plant  to start out with.  Then as plant gets bigger I monitor each plant according to how green it is.  I also think it keeps down tomatoe plant deseases.  Always watering plant at the base only is another thing I think keeps plant healthy and green.  Everyone may have other tips on growing tomatoes.  Please leave comments as to how your tomatoes are doing such as tips and tricks according to what state you live in is very important. 

Important Note: We can always add lime fertilizer but…remember we can’t take it away once it has been added to the soil.  Many vegetables according to soil by state and lacation varies with applying any kind of fertilizer.

Picture taken 4/28/2011 See here is first tomatoe

 Here is a Website I have found very useful information at growing tomatoes, diseases etc.  Click here   Also info adding  Epsom Salt, Magnesium to your vegetables Click here.

Tomatoes 2011

3-14-2011 I Set out 8 Celebrity Tomato Plants. Temperatures  reaching mid 80’s. Soil is dry. We are in bad need of rain. I have placed leaves around the base of the plant. This really helps to hold moisture around the roots of the plant.Celebrity Tomato Plant

Florida Tomatoes 2010

March and have I been busy preparing my garden for planting. I had very good success all winter with my Turnips, Mustard and Collards. Even my first at growing GARLIC. I harvested very little spinach. I have a ways to go with growing spinach. With trial and error I think they like limed soil. Don’t take my word on that though. I just jotted that down for my records only. I have lots to learn with growing spinach. All my greens were all looking great from the very cold weather we had here in Florida. I put up lots into the freezer and also gave lots away. I have such a small area that I had to pulled perfectly good plants up to make room for the Spring Vegetable Planting. We still have cooler temperatures here than normal. Last night it was in the 40’s. Today it’s to warm up to the 70’s. I notice that many gardens in this area I live still have Collards and Mustard Greens in their garden. I would to if I had more room for planting.


Now lets move on to growing Florida Tomatoes. I planted Celebrity Tomatoes again this year. I wanted to give them another shot this year. Last years experience for me was a disaster as you can see from my last years postings. Oh No Not My Tomatoes!! Last year I got off to a good start with my tomatoes. Then we had a very rainy season. What a bummer! I lost all my tomato Bushes. This year I am going to try to prepare to do even better. We live and learn from our mistakes. This year I planted tomatoes Friday March 19th . Last year I had started out much earlier with all my planting. Nervous this year because we had so many freezes. My tomato bushes seem to be doing well so far. As they grow I will do my best to post updated pictures and comments. All comments and pointers are welcome. I will do my best to answer replies as soon as I can. Happy Gardening to you. You will find me in the Garden.

Planted March 19th. They today March 30th are approximately 7 inches tall.


Diseased Bush Not sure what sickness. I had one bush pictured here with it’s leaves curled up with rusty looking rough spots. I haven’t had time to do any research yet. I trashed this bush after this photo was taken. The other bushes seem to at this dime be doing well.

Tomato disease and disorders info

April 19th photo

Pictured here is one of my Celebrity Tomato Bushes. See blooms on bush. Doing well.


Photos 5-31-2010





Father In Law still has cabbage growing in his garden. I put cabbage that he gave me with Vegetables from my garden.

Pictured a perfect tomato


June 8th

Oh No!! Pictured below. Fruit on this bush are not looking good. I haven’t diagnosed the problem yet. So far. I think the hot humid temperature and not enough space between tomato bushes is taking its tow on my tomatos.

Pictures of Ugly Tomatoes

Thanks to the American Soldier


her garden

A Soldiers daughter

This day while strolling through my garden.  My thoughts ramble back to my Dad who was a gardener and I am very proud to say he was American Veteran. Thanks Dad who was in the Korean War.  And to all the American Soldiers who have fought for this Country in the past and present.  Thoughts of my Dad who served in Korean War. Today  I have more respect for all he went through now that I am older. This is just my opinion and many may not agree with.   I see so many veterans not getting the respect that our veterans so rightfully deserve.

Dad is no longer here but all his stories stay at heart are still with me.  Once again I would love to have the chance to re listen to my dad his stories and ask my dad his opinion on some of the things happening in this world today.  So many questions  he could help me to understand.  I am sure my Dad and I would share in the same issues, burdens and most of all prayer in need of for this Nation.

Proud to be an American

Thanks again to you all who served this country.   I today know just how blessed I am for Your Service.   Thanks to you and to  God for your dedicated service. Thanks for the  freedom for which this country still stands as One Nation Under God!

Thank you !! My prayer is for God to Bless and comfort every American soldier this Veterans Day.  I pray for you to receive  the love and respect that you so rightfully deserve this day.  I pray for many of you that when you are in  stress, or feel lonely, that you get a Warm Hug of appreciation and receive the comfort you need.  I pray for you all.    Please remember God is always with You.  My prayers and thoughts are with you. Thanks Again…….to you, my dad and other soldiers.  From An American Soldiers Daughter, I proudly stand and salute you. 

In Gods Love, THANK YOU!!


If interested here is a website that I ran across for the occasion

How To Salute And Pay Respects To Officers

Spinach “Oh Boy”


Growing Spinach in Florida, Oh Boy!

Normally speaking of Spinach.  Most people go Yuk with a frown of hatred for it.  I planted Spinach last year for the first time.  This vegetable was never a vegetable that my father planted.  I am sure if I had of told him that I liked it, he would have planted it just for me.  Especially since I was a little girl, very skinny and could have used all the nutrients that Spinach could offer.  When I was a little girl I didn’t like vegetables.  My Father being a serious gardener that he was, would have planted anything I wanted. He had a green thumb.  His fall garden  consisted of Turnip, Mustard, Collard, onions. I don’t think my parents were too fond of  Spinach.  I am much older now and I love it.  So does my son.  Last year when I planted 2 small rows.  My son kept asking for more.  It being my first year I had  a lot to learn on growing Spinach.  I still have lots to learn. With gardening, I have learned to expect the unexpected.  Every year gardening can go well. Sometimes gardening can turn out as a failure.  Such as mine to this years crop of tomatoes.  Too much rain and I lost all my tomatoes.  If your interested you can read my post  “Oh No, Not My tomatoes” !  I am praying for the better this year.


New England Spinach planted September 26th

I am looking forward to a good crop of Spinach.  This year I planted 4 rows of it.  If all goes well and the Lord is willing, I’ll  more than enough.  This year I planted New England Spinach different from last years.  I can’t remember what kind of seed I planted last year.  Possibly Savoy Spinach.  The only thing I can remember is that the Spinach I planted was a very small seed. The leaves were sorta curled.

NE Spinach is a much larger seed.  And from all I have read is supposedly a larger leaf. By the picture below so far so good. It seems to be doing well. Difference in it from last year is that it has a larger leaf.

New England Spinach

NEW ENGLAND SPINACH (collected information below)

Spinach is a hardy cool weather crop, ideal for an early New England market. Temperature for optimum production and high quality is 55°F to 60°F with day length of approximately 12 hours. Seed will germinate at soil temperatures of 32°F to 60°F and the young plants can withstand temperatures as low as 15°F to 20°F. Under the hot temperatures and long days of summer, spinach will bolt (develop a seed stalk and go to seed), which makes it unmarketable. The tendency to bolt varies with the cultivar, some being more resistant than others.

Spinach is grown for use as a cooked green vegetable or for greens in a salad. Growers who want greens for the market in the summer should consider beet greens and/or Swiss chard as substitutes. They produce well under high temperature and long day conditions.

There are two main types of spinach: smooth leaf and savoy (crinkled leaf). Both grow equally well and are marketed the same, but the savoy type, because of its crinkled leaf, is more difficult to clean.

Spinach can be seeded in the spring as soon as the soil can be worked. Sandy soils are generally preferred because they drain early and warm a little quicker. Two main crops are generally grown, one in the spring, another in late summer, seeded about six weeks before the average first frost. Growers in New England are having some success with overwintering spinach. A floating row cover can be used for protection. For overwintering spinach, particularly in northern areas, an early September seeding date is suggested. Survival of the early crop has been satisfactory following a mild winter with good snow cover.

Normally, plan on 40 to 50 days to harvest under good growing conditions, with 60 to 70 days for very early plantings. Good yields for fresh market will range from 5 to 7 tons/A and 10 to 12 tons/A for processing. Market spinach is usually washed before marketing, and if cut early in the day and iced, can have a storage life of 10 to 14 days. The most common containers are bushel baskets, tubs or crates, each holding 18 to 25 lb.

Spacing and Seeding

Desired plant stand is 6 to 8 plants per foot of row and 12” between rows. This requires 8 to 10 lbs of seed per acre (1/2 to 1 oz per 100 feet of row). Seed 1/4” to 1/2” deep depending on soil moisture and temperature. Deeper planting is suggested in a warm dry soil. Growers should attempt to seed to a stand as thinning is generally not recommended.


Apply lime according to soil test results to maintain soil pH at 6.5 to 6.8. Soils with low pH will result in slow growth and chlorotic leaves.


Because of sensitivity to magnesium deficiency, older spinach leaves may tend to show yellow color similar to a nitrogen deficiency. Low levels of magnesium in the soil can be corrected by using high magnesium lime (dolomitic) or by adding magnesium to the fertilizer. Do not automatically apply more nitrogen to try to develop the desired deep green color. Rather make a topical application of 10 to 15 lb magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts) in 100 gal water. Spray to wet the foliage.

If magnesium was deficient, you will see a color change to dark green overnight. Spinach will accumulate excess nitrates if nitrogen is used in an attempt to induce green color. It is always best to check for magnesium problems before applying extra nitrogen if plants have chlorotic pale green color or yellow lower leaves.

Promote efficient nitrogen use by sidedressing nitrogen when crop need is apparent. Avoid putting fertilizer directly onto crop foliage.

Less nitrogen fertilizer will be needed if manure or legume sod was plowed down (see nitrogen credits).


Spinach can be harvested from 37 to 45 days after seeding. The entire plant can be cut off just above ground level when there are five to six leaves. Higher yields result when plants have 10 to 12 leaves.

Spinach should be kept cool and shaded after harvest. Spinach harvested early in the day, then iced will have a much better shelf life. Storage life is 10 to 14 days.


Planted Left over Spinach seed from last year. October 24th.

In between the NE Spinach I planted some seed of the other kind that I had good luck with last year.  The NE Spinach with all the space in between didn’t seem like a lot of spinach.  So I thought I would plant this in between all the New England plants.

This picture taken yesterday, shows it sprouting up quickly.

NE along with last years Spinach

Here NE is the larger.  Fresh small sprouts of the seeds just planted  is already showing .

(look closely it looks like small blades of grass)

Thanks for reading my Blog

Pea Picking Time

Peas are growing well right now.  The rainy days don’t seem to bother them like my poor old tomato’s.  With picking my peas, I have had at least 4 good pickings of peas from my garden.  Each picking a 5 gal bucket full.   I have been shelling them as fast as I can.  And of course I have given some of them away to friends.  After I shell them I really enjoy blanching them and putting them in my freezer.  Blanching them to eat on months later.  They are as fresh tasting  months later with the blanching technique. This is one of my favorite dishes to cook.  My daughter and I love to lay pods of fresh whole okra on top of the peas 15 to 20 minutes just before the peas a well done.  Cooking a few pods of okra with the peas gives them a better flavor.  I know some people would say, Yuk !  But, that is the way my mother cooked peas for years.  I always wondered why my cooked peas didn’t seem to have the same flavor.  Moms secret  God rest her soul now,,I miss her.  Her secreat to the good tasting peas was it,,, cooking them with the okra.  Hhmmm  I’m getting hungry!!! just thinking about it.

Fried Green Tomatos

After having to pull all my tomatos off the damaged bush.  This is my simple recipe for Fried Green Tomatos.  I prefer my tomatos dipped in flour but this recipe can be substituted with cornmeal in place of the flour. 
FRIED GREEN TOMATOS                                                          
2 or 3 green tomatoes, sliced 1/4 inch thick
1 to 2 beaten eggs
1/2 c. flour
Salt and pepper to taste
Oil for frying
 Dip green tomato into beaten egg mixtures , then dip in  flour.  Salt and pepper and fry on both side in oil until lightly brown on both sides.  Best served immediately. 
My next dish of thought.  I’ve heard Fried Green Tomatos with Okra mixed together are tasty.  I haven’t tried that recipe yet.  If anyone  knows of a Tomato and Okra recipe please let me know.    I have Okra to cut soon.   They Love the rain. 🙂

Florida Rainy Days an Da “TBerrys Squash”, are hanging in there!

Photos On  May 24th my Squash seemed to be doing alright considering all the rain for many days.  The sun came out yet the water was still running through my garden.  I dug a small trench to let the water flow away from the vegetables.  I was a tad too late for this one.  When the sun finally came out ot was  more than  this plant could take.  It seemed to be in that ole shock stage.  Yet, look at the next picture below taken on the same day just minuts later a few steps away from this one.  A different set of squash plants next to my grapevine.


May 24th Squash update


dsc07077 May 24th squash