March 5, 2011 First Leaves


My Mulberry Tree is loaded down.  I have some limbs  that were close to the ground that I should have trimmed already.  Now  I don’t want to cut limbs for wasting  all the berries.  So I’ll leave well enough alone.   I have hung a little curly cue wind ornament from the limb.  This seems to keep birds from eating all the berries.  From here on out I have to check for ripened berries everyday.

Picture taken 3-22-2011

First  picked. Just for me. Yum Yum!!

Picture taken 3-22-2011

Stink Bug!!



































Mulberries 3-28-2011

Today I am amazed at how many Mulberries were ready for picking.  As you can see here in the picture a bowl almost full. After a good rinsing, I left them  to sit in the water for a short while. This gets the bugs if any on the run.

All the berries that are still red in color by tomorrow will ripen on their own.

This Mulberry tree is sitting in the way of my garden.  Just to think that I almost had my husband to cut it down for more room towards planting.  Just to think…if I had of went with my plan.  Look at all the berries I wouldn’t have now.  They taste so good fresh from the tree.  I like to sprinkle them with sugar for an extra sweet taste.  Great evening snack.